Oh hey, you just found the world's easiest tomato sauce recipe!
Seriously, three ingredients ( okay four, if you count salt, which I don't... ). That's it. Three. Three things you probably already have hanging around your house are all that stand between you and tomato sauce.
And here they are:
Peel that onion, toss all of the ingredients into a pan, bring to a simmer, stir every once and a while, breaking up the big tomato hunks, and at the end of 45 minutes, BOOM:
Tomato Sauce.
Sound too good to be true? That's what I thought, too, when I first read the recipe from Marcella Hazan , so I knew I had to test it out. Here's what I found: this tomato sauce is good. It's not THE BEST, buuuuuuuuut did you really expect it to be? It's good, and given the effort and cost, it's excellent. This is a sauce that anyone can make, so if you're comparing this to your Great Grandma's 2-day pasta sauce that requires fresh tomatoes flown in that morning from Italy, herbs from the Parish Garden of the local Catholic Church, and the kind of attention that usually goes into manufacturing computer chips and not dinner, then you might be disappointed in this sauce.
However, if you're looking for a savory tomato sauce to toss on some pasta and pair with a bagged salad and a glass ( or three ... ) of $7 Cabernet, then this, my friend ( and I Do mean "my friend", because you sound like my kind of person ) is the sauce for you.
I'd LOVE to know if you've tried this recipe and what you think of it, so tell me all about it in the comments!
Tomato Sauce
- 28 oz canned whole peeled San Marzano tomatoes
- 5 tablespoons butter
- 1 large onion peeled and cut in half
- ½ teaspoon salt
- Place all of the ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat.
- Simmer, uncovered, for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally, and breaking up the large chunks of tomatoes as they cook down.
- Remove the onion and serve the remaining sauce.
Please share your thoughts on this recipe!